Sunday 3 April 2011


Of course you have to post a picture of a half naked duck just as soon as I tell you not to post a picture of a half naked duck.
And what's this about me being pro-AIDS? I'm not the one that said they were pro-aids in an all caps Jao. 
Also, it's really nice to know that you're acceptable with people knowing your name now; guess I can stop calling you the other and just use your name Jao.
By the way, I'm not going to decipher that pile of gibberish, because everyone who knows you knows that your subliminal messages are written in the titles, not the main body of your writing. Clearly your attempt to make me attempt do make meaning out of keyboard mashing has failed.
I'd continue to try and put in words the amount of disappointment I'm feeling right now, but I think this picture will do a better job.

-tis a very disappointed Tommy

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