Saturday 9 April 2011


Yay, do you know what time it is kids? It's time for our weekly joint post~

That's right kids, today you are going to learn all about the different joints that make up the human body.

Yup yup, so we'll start off with your rectus femoris...I saw the fattest one on the street today it looked like a freaking tree...yes, a tree...a very LARGE tree.

Clearly you would know this because you stared at it for half an eternity.

Oh yeah, she was fineeeeeeeee, I could not stop staring. (;

Too bad you never got her number there.

How do you know I didn't get her number? I got her freaking pants size.

What you talking about, you were too busy laughing at her obesity to talk to her.

Hey she saw the signals I sent and I was not laughing at her obesity. I was laughing at her sexiness. (;

Your "signals" consisted of you pointing at her and trying to stifle laughter, you totally did not get her number.

Pfft, I did too. What you talking about, girlfriend?

Ok, fine I wish you happiness in your relationship, but we really should get back on topic.

What is our topic anyways?

Weren't we going to talk about joints?


Damnit, you promised me we were going to do a post on marijuana joints.

Yeah, and you promised me ice cream. DIDN'T GET THAT DID I?


That's what she said.

Are you questioning my gender again?

Of course not, we all know you're a girl.

....You've posted pictures of me you know, and clearly I am a MALE.

Are you sure? You looked like a chick in those pictures. Say cheese.

Very attractive eh? HA.

Clearly the face of a MAN.

Proof of me looking like a man, while looking like a boss.

HA, funniest joke I heard all day.

Your day must've been really dry and boring then.

Naws, I just don't see people like you every day. I only see pretty people.

Oh I forgot, you're the superficial one in this blog.

You're just jellies.

NO, YOU'RE JELLIES, I'm peanut butter rememeber? So I can go around owning people with allergies.

LOLLS, jokessssssssssssssss. GIMMIE ICE CREAM.



When we get 700 views.

Okiie dokiies, MOAR PEOPLE LURK. COME ON PEOPLE. Let's work together to get nina ice cream. <3

and click those ads, I'll seriously give you candy. (Some of that candy has already been distributed, it's first come first serve).

-Cough- I wouldn't go for the candy....they're pree sketchy.

wtf you talking about, they're mentos, you were there when I bought them...

Did you forget what we bought them originally for? -cough- blowing things up.

We were going to shove them in diet coke and fire them at squirrels, but you chickened out.

WHAT? NO WE WEREN'T. I'd never participate in animal cruelty.

It's now animal cruelty, I'm contributing to the squirrel festivals that go on this time of the year.

What festivals?....I think you're crazy.

I'm not crazy, I did that online quiz and passed with flying colors.

Yeah, you're not crazy, you're just bipolar.


Now you have amnesia too?

I could've sworn I was fighting off the Free Masons in the Amazon before this, how the hell did I end up in a coffee shop?

-face palm- I think the FRENCH ONION soup gave him brain damage.

It's ok, even with brain damage I'm mentally superior to you.

So jokes. You keep thinking that kiddoh.

I post more, therefore I have more know what I mean. Oh wait nvm, you probably don't BECAUSE YOU'RE MENTALLY INFERIOR

Yeah, you're right. I can't comprehend stupidity. WAI SO DUMBDUMB TOMTOM?

Recognize fool, that only people who comprehend stupidity can transcend it.

Kay you keep thinking that dumbo.

Excellent rebuttal, next time, try to have a point as well.

Had to keep it simple for you, you know? Don't want you getting hurt while attempting to decipher arguments.

Nice cover.


Stop letting your boredom leak into the post.

Sor-ry you're so boring.

Didn't you read my Friday post, my life is so epic.

It's only epic because I am willing to hang out with you from time to time.

What j00 talking bout, my day was epic yesterday, and I didn't even see you.

Yeah, tis why yesterday sucked.

I refer you to yesterday's post, clearly my day was epic, ALSO YOU DID NOT POST ANYTHING AND I WAS DISAPPOINT.

Sadface, sorry. ): I post something today okaiies?

You need to take care of your readers too you know, I'm sure they don't need to read my posts while waiting for yours.

Awwws, that's so true TomTom. For once we agree.

This means you're going to post right? It's not going to just be you saying "I'ma post" and then later saying "I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT"

LOLS. Actually, yeahh...dammit, you guessed my plan.

......Seriously, what is it with you and not being able to write these days?

Iunno, writer's block?


Yeah...I don't think it works like that. It doesn't just UNBLOCK when I tell it to. It's kind of like telling a fat man to stop eating McDonald's. He's not going to stop even if you say he's going to get a heart attack and die.

Seal his mouth shut, that'll solve the problem; clearly you're just not thinking hard enough about your problem.

Dude, he can always inject McDonald's into himself....YOU CAN'T STOP AN ADDICT. Remember the jelly beans? Exactly.

You're addicted to writer's block? That's not even....

Wait why are we relating addiction to my writer's block?...

Scroll up, you will see that you did that, there is no "we" here, it's just you.

Oh oops then. Well, TOO BADS. JOADIFJAIODSJFAOI. Blah.

Yes, break the keyboard, that'll fix your writer's block.

Hey hey hey, don't hate on the keyboard bashing. Tis mah thing kay? I don't hate on your face do I now? Oh wait I do.

So, you just made an argument, and then rebutted it yourself? What do you usually get on persuasive essays?

Higher than STFU. (: GG. Rage boii rageeee. I see you raging... (:

Goddamnit, now when he reads this he's going to rage at ME.

LOLLS, have fun. (:

Guess I'll just block everyone on my msn list for the weekend and wait for it to blow over.


I see this post has basically died. Time to pull the plug yes?

Yup yup. KBai.

-Ninaa & TomTom
P.S. If you've read this far, YOU GOT REAL PATIENCE.
P.S.S. As you can see by the title, this was going to be about food. And if you read all this expecting that, HAHA YOU JUST GOT SCREWED!

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