Sunday 10 April 2011

'Crastination Take #1

It's Sunday, which means tomorrow I have a metric fuck ton of work due.

I have a metric fuck ton of work due tomorrow, which means right now I'm procrastinating.

I'm procrastinating, which means I'm doing everything conceivable excluding what I am supposed to do.

Turns out, everything is freaking boring, which means that doing work is starting to look like an enjoyable alternative.

Unfortunately, I have chronic procrastination syndrome, which means I'm going to avoid work even when I clearly do not want to.

This turns into me lurking the internet in an effort to amuse myself, while constantly looking at the time and calculating exactly how much time I have to do actual work if I started right now.


With every glance at the clock, the panic at the back of my mind grows a little more. Yet I continue to delay.

Even as I type this, alarms are going off in my head, my brain is literally telling me to fucking stop being a retard and get to work.

When the voices in my head start to dish out logically sound advice, I know something has gone horribly awry.

Still delaying.

It seems like my entire life is just one big orgy of delays.

Then again, if I want to go into that train of thought, life is just a period of delay until death.

Damn, that was a depressing thought.

Time to look at a rainbow, that'll make me feel better.

Double the rainbow, double the better.

Feeling better, and motivated to actually do work now.

Ok well, feeling better at least.

Time to get some work done.

-tis Tommy

By the way, did you know the Harmonized Sales Tax used to be called the Blended Sales Tax?
The HST tax would've very literally have been called the BST; now that would've been honesty in policy making right there.
Damn politicians and their anal naming sense.

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