Thursday 7 April 2011

Rage Essence

Playing Starcraft can be very hazardous to your health.

I'm not talking about the life shortening effects of sitting on your ass all day, I'm talking about the very real dangers that arises when rage occurs.

Consider the following scenario.

A group is playing Starcraft via LAN. Team A is roflstomping Team B.

A player from team A then decides to inform team B of the copious amounts of fail that has just been delivered to them by calling the entirety of team B a derogatory term that is normally reserved for use at homosexuals; this message was of course, preceded with a sexually ambiguous "suck it."

Normally, this is when a round of trash talking would ensue, with volleys of increasingly creative and profane insults being hurled back and forth by a few, while everyone else tries to focus on the game.

Unfortunately, this was not the case.

You see, a spherical member of team B decided that enough was enough, and that this faggotry was not going to continue on his watch. So does this mean he tells the offending member to shut the hell up and play the game?

Of course not.

He picks up a keyboard and hurls it across the room; an action so shocking that some players actually manage to lose focus on the game, if only for an instant. (fat man throw stuff = very scary)

Now, there was no casualties this time, but had that individual thrown the keyboard in a different direction, or picked up a monitor instead of keyboard, the results could have been much more catastrophic.

There is lesson somewhere in here kids, but I'm much too scarred by this incident to figure it out.

-tis Tommy (seriously almost shat a brick)

1 comment:

  1. I wonder who this person from Team A is. He sounds like a total douchebag.
