Friday 8 April 2011


"Chung, don't you have some programs to code?"
"I'm going to restart them all over the weekend"
"Restart? But you never started them..."

It's Friday, and like all Fridays, today was the day for a total abandonment of stress and goofing off with the gang.

After STFU counted down the nanoseconds of the day, the entire gang set about wandering around the city until Ryerson opens for basketball.

The first course of action was, as expected with Chung in the group, to go eat. Dragging along a bunch of other random guys, we raided the food court.

The only real surprising thing to happen this time was that Chung did not buy half the food. Since Fred was not here this time, there was no ketchup projectiles to deal with, and the pig out ended uneventfully. (Note: For those unfamiliar, there was a particular incident in the past where Fred blasted ketchup out of his mouth, into STFU's face)

3 hours left to burn; we were bored.

What's a bunch of nerds to do? Go to the library of course.
And book the piano room.

Unfortunately, the piano room was still occupied when we got there, so a chess board was checked out and me and Chung engaged ourselves in an epic duel of the minds.

I went into this game fully expecting to lose, since the general trend when me and chess are combined with any other individual is that I tend to get ego-raped with losses.

I'm not sure what's going on here but apparently I'm winning.

So after randomly moving some pieces, I won and Chung was not amused by my epic lucking out.

When the game ended, me and Chung realized that STFU and Jack had already left for the piano room, so Chung cleared the board while I gloated about my victory, and then it was off to the piano.

When we got into the piano room, and the first thing I saw was the sheet music for Maple Leaf Rag.

Basically, it ended up with me attempting to play the Maple Leaf Rag (read: failing) while everyone else hit random keys on the piano. (It's nice that we were not perma-banned from the library despite the incredible noise this created).

Jack proceeded to play the piano and make everyone feel like a musical failure, then we left the library to do other stuff.

The time for basketball was rapidly approaching, and to prepare, we decided to go get a basketball. More precisely, Chung went to get a basketball at his house while the rest of us waited.

Now you know how when you put your hands together and blow into it, you can make really loud noises? Jack can do that and me and STFU tried to emulate while Chung was gone. This resulted in a lot of noise occurring in the apartment complex. Once again, it was nice how we did not get kicked out.

This sounded like a high pitch screech

This sounded like air rushing through

All ready for basketball now, we headed off to Ryerson.

But our plans for basketball were to soon be delayed, as we were approached by the artist formerly known as Chung.

"Screw the rules, I have a green shirt"
He now goes by the name MC Chungion, and he's got a new album coming out next week, make sure to buy it. (or pirate it; actually yes, pirate the shit out of it)

It's called "Me and All My Beer Shirts Part I"
MC Chungion then went to hang with his bitches; leaving us bros for his hoes. (Breaking Article 1 of the bro code).

We then went for basketball; got into a ethnic warfare match-up between the Asians and the Caucasians.
Score wasn't really kept, but I'm going to assume the winner of the match-up was the Asians (no bias there at all).

There is nothing like a Friday to make you really appreciate and enjoy life.

-tis Tommy

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