Saturday 30 April 2011

Stuffie nose.


Yes, I'm sick. ): My throat hurts, I've been coughing like mad, and my nose is stuffed. Been chugging down chinese medicine all day.

So what have I been up to? School like usual...BUT, I went on a fashion trip to Toronto yesterday. (; Yes, that means I missed school. -GASP- Kay, so with all sarcasm aside, I just want to say...YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO OLD FOR THE ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). Yessss, we went to the ROM before the George Brown Fashion show and let me tell you their gem exhibit is amazinggggggggggggggggggg. They have this one diamond there that sparkles rainbows. Yes, rainbows. It was freaking amazinggggg. -wishes I could've captured its beauty on camera- No worries people, I has pictures....well my friend took pictures and soon I shall go bug her to send them to me. ;D So after visiting the ROM, we went on Bay street? Yes, I think its Bay street, to get lunch. Let me tell you something...IT'S SO HARD TO FIND A PLACE TO EAT. We had to walk like 10min to find a place to eat. T_T Butttt, they got amazing stores on the street. ;D -cough- Burberry and Louis Vuitton. Also, while I was walking, I could've sworn I saw someone I knew in middle school...small world eh?
So after lunch, the group gathered infront of the Bay and took the TTC to see the fashion show. There were amazing clothes at the show, but I don't know if it was just me or did the show seemed really really short? I know professional fashion shows are supposed to be like that, but still. Its sad to say, but I like the Hilfield fashion show so much more. It was more fun and light hearted and there were dances and music in between...Iunno, I guess I'm just not a huge fan of regular fashion shows. Its either that or I was really tired that day...because -cough- I almost fell asleep during the middle of it.


Anyways, so after the show, we went to shop on Queen street and I discovered the most amaizngtastic store EVARRR. (Thank you to my friend Sakura for introducing this store to me) So the store is called Fashion Crimes and if you haven't bought your prom dress yet, GO TO THAT STORE. THEY HAVE AMAZING DRESSES AND ACCESSORIES. GO GO GO. Oh and for all the westdale people that read this, the store also sells a lot of really amazing masks which goes with our prom theme masquerade. Also there was a Lush store near it too and let me tell you, theres this one lady that works there who is soooooooo nice. You should definitely go visit. My favourite thing about Lush stores is that you can try so many things! They offer testers for everythingggggg. Definitely try their Almond&Coconut soap scrub thingggy (Does not remember name.) and their Chairty Pot cream/lotion. Also if the store you go to still have R&B, go buy yourself a pot of it. (: Its soooooooooo good for your hair, but currently they're like sold out every where. (Eaton Centre & Queen Street Lush) ); Yes yes yes, I love Lush and you should too. :D Do be warned though, your nose might stop working after you leave the store because it'll be overwhelmed by the different scents of the store.

Oh and something I forgot to add in the beginning was that on the way to toronto, we played president on the go bus...and holyyy crapppp, this one girl keeps winning. Insane luck...or skill. Whichever it was, freaking insane.

So on the trip back to Hamilton, I sat beside this girl that I don't talk very often to and we just talked about like everything. EVERYTHING. You'd be surprised how close a bus ride can bring people together.

Yikes, I think I wrote too much. Oh wells, hope this made up for my absence. I hope everyone's having a great weekend.

P.S. TomTom is a fat arse.
Almost thought I wasn't going to make fun of you for once eh? Well, too bads. (:

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