Sunday 3 April 2011


Title says all.
Why am I blogging about Ducks? Well, my friend, once upon a time, there was a little girl named nina, who had a weird obssession with ducks. Yes, obsession with ducks. Okay, maybe not obsession, but you know what I mean. Anyways, she was given this amazingtastic picture, so she decided to make a whole blog themed around it. Enjoy~

It's a Duckie. (: My friend calls this little one "Sunshine", but I personally prefer Duckiffer. :D You know everythings better when you add "-iffer" as a suffix. (:

Ducks are just adorable, aren't they? It's too bad they also taste delicious. Yeah, I said it. I r chinese and I hearts peking duck. Don't worry, I won't be eating this little one. (: Oh and don't lie, you know you love duck too.

P.S. Anyone up for chinese food? I feel like dining at a chinese if anyone wants chinese, message me. (:  

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