Monday 11 April 2011


I am currently exhausted and I have school tomorrow. Why am I posting? I feel guilty. TomTom has been nagging me to post for the past couple of the days and I have continued to disappoint him. So before I go to bed today, I shall make this random post. Yes, random since I never really stick to one topic in my posts.

Actually, I feel nice right now, so I'm going to share a couple of tips with you guys. Tips about what you may ask? Well my friends, tips to figure out if someone likes you or not. (Note: I just learnt these recently.)

1) Pupils Dilating. (I found this one to be the most interesting since it wasn't until recently that I've actually seen this happen.)
- I've been told that a person's pupils dilate when they look at someone they like. Of course your pupils dilate naturally when there isn't an adequate amount of light, but that is besides the point. Oh and you have to pay really close attention to notice this change, but when the change does occur you will see a DRASTIC change. Not even kidding. It's almost as if someone put on circle lenses.

2) Change in tone of voice.
- Not really sure if this works in general or just with people that you like, but a person's voice would generally change to match the tone of the one that they like.
- I speak quietly, you speak quietly
- I speak in a higher pitch, you speak in a higher pitch

3) Unnecessarily touchy.
- Sure there are a lot of really friendly and touchy people out there, -cough- me, but people are generally more touchy around those that they like. Unnecessarily touchy. Yeah, physical contact is completely normal, but when you have unnecessary contact or too much contact that generally has another meaning. What other meanings you may ask? Well boys and girls it really depends. You see, if a creepy old guy touches you inappropriately, it probably means he's a pedophile and it also means you need to dial 911. However, if one were to touch you (say, feel your hair), it can mean one of two things:
1) This person likes you a lot and wants contact with you.
2) You have amazingly soft hair and he/she is secretly planning to shave you bald. (I'm just kidding. -cough cough-)

4) The person tells you that he/she likes you.
- Kay, first of all, don't be stupid. If someone seriously tells you that they like you, THEY PROBABLY LIKE YOU. Don't deny it or play dumb because you know deep down no matter how awful the person's appearance or personality may be, a little part of you is happy to know someone likes you. (Unless you're already in a relationship, then that may be a little awkward. In that case, why are you reading this? Also, if you're in a relationship and the person you are in a relationship with isn't enough and you still need this attention, then you're an attention seeking whore. KThxBai.)

5) Gut feeling.
- As crazy as you may feel sometimes, you're not. One's gut feeling generally tends to be correct, but if you've had a record of misleading gut feelings, do proceed to unacknowledge its existence.

After writing all this, I feel as if I may have sounded like a jerk in some parts. It's okay. My excuse is that I wrote all this after reading TomTom's posts. His depression and rage has leaked into mine. Jay kay...sort of.

TomTom, you need to cheer up and stop writing depressing posts. Also, you have sweaty hands. Yes, now the whole world knows. Why did I just type that? Iunno. I gotta make fun of you at least once in each post. Why do I have to do that you may wonder? Uhhh...let me put it this way, wouldn't it be weird if I didn't make fun of you? Yes yes. Kbai. (No, I'm actually secretly nice...but only to some people.)

Kay, so there's one last thing I would like to address before I close off this post. JAODIFJOADS. We know you're reading. Yes, you lurks. Thanks for lurking our blog, but really, some feed back or acknowledgement would be nice. So which one of you is from Cooksville? Oh and the Montreal viewer, I think I know who you are, but seriously, it'd be nicer if you actually told me you were reading. Now I hope the rest of you had fun lurking and continue to lurk.

Every view counts towards the ice cream fund. <3

P.S. I hope you're happy TomTom.
P.S.S. Kay, I has no new picture and webcam is currently not working, soo....Enjoy this photo.

Ninaa: Yes, be deceived by my Face of Innocence.
Domo: Rawrrrr~

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