Sunday 10 April 2011


The two most important guys in my life...

Who may they be you ask? One of them is Domo as you may have read earlier, while the other still remains a mystery. So who is this mysterious guy? Is he also a stuffed animal? Well my friends, he is not. He is a living breathing human being. Not "Human" being as some of you may misinterpret, but rather human being. (For those of you that are confused, this is a really bad inside joke.)

Who exactly is this special person that I've mentioned in the past post(s) [can't remember how many times I've mentioned him]? Well, his name is Robert. No don't go facebooking him right now because he doesn't go to Westdale. Obviously I wouldn't date a Hamilton guy. DURRRRS. No offence to all the Hamiltonions out there though. (:

Oh and be prepared for super duper cheese.

What's so special about this guy?
For one, he makes me extremely happy. He's the sweetest most cutest guy ever and he just puts the biggest smile on my face. Robbiffer is just so amazing and he's so speciallllll to meee. He's talented in so many ways and he's just perfect. (:

Why choose him?
Other than him being freaking awesometastic, he's just a super nice and friendly person. (One tip: if you want the person to like you, be nice.) Some of you might be like "ohhhh, he's only nice because he likes you." So what? Of course he's nice because he likes me, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a nice person to others as well. He's just so lovable. (: Why else do you think people call him sunshine?
Not only does he have wonderful characteristics, he's also very talented. He can cook, play the guitar, clean, sew, drive, and brighten a person's day. (Yes, all you guys out there go learn to cook and clean and all that jazz. ;D Go on YouTube and watch WongFuProductions for tips and laughs...and if you really want a good laugh, go watch bubbiosity's What Not To Do On A Date.)

How did I find someone so special?
No, I didn't find him at an asian supermarket. In fact, he's not asian. He's partially Italian, Irish, and Ukrainian. "Oh emm gee," some of you might say, "he a white boy." No, actually he's an european canadian boy. Does that mean I picked him up at a Canadian Italian restaurant? Nopes. It just means I got lucky.

Still in shock?
It's okay, a lot of other people were as well. For those that weren't shocked, congratz for having a wider mind and being understanding.

What does he look like?
Since I'm dating him, obviously he looks good. Want a picture? Too bads. I'll post a picture of him another day.

Well, I hope everyone had fun lurking my life.

I love you Robert. <3

P.S. Why am I bragging about him? Because I can. (:

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