Saturday 30 April 2011

Stuffie nose.


Yes, I'm sick. ): My throat hurts, I've been coughing like mad, and my nose is stuffed. Been chugging down chinese medicine all day.

So what have I been up to? School like usual...BUT, I went on a fashion trip to Toronto yesterday. (; Yes, that means I missed school. -GASP- Kay, so with all sarcasm aside, I just want to say...YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO OLD FOR THE ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). Yessss, we went to the ROM before the George Brown Fashion show and let me tell you their gem exhibit is amazinggggggggggggggggggg. They have this one diamond there that sparkles rainbows. Yes, rainbows. It was freaking amazinggggg. -wishes I could've captured its beauty on camera- No worries people, I has pictures....well my friend took pictures and soon I shall go bug her to send them to me. ;D So after visiting the ROM, we went on Bay street? Yes, I think its Bay street, to get lunch. Let me tell you something...IT'S SO HARD TO FIND A PLACE TO EAT. We had to walk like 10min to find a place to eat. T_T Butttt, they got amazing stores on the street. ;D -cough- Burberry and Louis Vuitton. Also, while I was walking, I could've sworn I saw someone I knew in middle school...small world eh?
So after lunch, the group gathered infront of the Bay and took the TTC to see the fashion show. There were amazing clothes at the show, but I don't know if it was just me or did the show seemed really really short? I know professional fashion shows are supposed to be like that, but still. Its sad to say, but I like the Hilfield fashion show so much more. It was more fun and light hearted and there were dances and music in between...Iunno, I guess I'm just not a huge fan of regular fashion shows. Its either that or I was really tired that day...because -cough- I almost fell asleep during the middle of it.


Anyways, so after the show, we went to shop on Queen street and I discovered the most amaizngtastic store EVARRR. (Thank you to my friend Sakura for introducing this store to me) So the store is called Fashion Crimes and if you haven't bought your prom dress yet, GO TO THAT STORE. THEY HAVE AMAZING DRESSES AND ACCESSORIES. GO GO GO. Oh and for all the westdale people that read this, the store also sells a lot of really amazing masks which goes with our prom theme masquerade. Also there was a Lush store near it too and let me tell you, theres this one lady that works there who is soooooooo nice. You should definitely go visit. My favourite thing about Lush stores is that you can try so many things! They offer testers for everythingggggg. Definitely try their Almond&Coconut soap scrub thingggy (Does not remember name.) and their Chairty Pot cream/lotion. Also if the store you go to still have R&B, go buy yourself a pot of it. (: Its soooooooooo good for your hair, but currently they're like sold out every where. (Eaton Centre & Queen Street Lush) ); Yes yes yes, I love Lush and you should too. :D Do be warned though, your nose might stop working after you leave the store because it'll be overwhelmed by the different scents of the store.

Oh and something I forgot to add in the beginning was that on the way to toronto, we played president on the go bus...and holyyy crapppp, this one girl keeps winning. Insane luck...or skill. Whichever it was, freaking insane.

So on the trip back to Hamilton, I sat beside this girl that I don't talk very often to and we just talked about like everything. EVERYTHING. You'd be surprised how close a bus ride can bring people together.

Yikes, I think I wrote too much. Oh wells, hope this made up for my absence. I hope everyone's having a great weekend.

P.S. TomTom is a fat arse.
Almost thought I wasn't going to make fun of you for once eh? Well, too bads. (:

Friday 29 April 2011

Remember when I used to sketch? #7

I forgot I still had more sketches to upload.

No eggs were harmed in the making of this sketch. 

After the sketch however, I used them to make egg fried rice.
mmm...delicious egg fried rice.

-tis Tommy

Shenanigans #2.5


Unfortunately, in between the epic piano playing, the aimless wandering downtown and trolling on a napping friend with a shuttlecock, I forgot to take any pictures.

So nothing this Friday.

Also, since the Intellectual Mavericks are making an epic quest to the regional programming contest tomorrow, I'm going to get some rest early.

-tis Tommy

Sunday 24 April 2011

'Crastination Take #2

Sunday; one more day of break left.

Interestingly enough, I actually have accomplished something. One math assignment.

Then again, I did a half assed job of that in half an hour. But I did it nonetheless.

Now I just have a math test to study for, a physics assignment to finish, a programming project to prepare for, and accounting homework piled up about as high as the international space station.

But you know what, everything is fine. Because unlike other Sundays, when this kind of massive workload would cause instant panic attack, followed by much bashing of head into wall, followed by a long night of not getting any rest, this Sunday is followed by ANOTHER DAY OF BREAK.

Which means I do not do work late into the night tonight, instead I do random other shit that is NOT work.

Then tomorrow night. I cram like a mofo.

I'll write something here later

-tis Tommy

Saturday 23 April 2011

I r too Lazy to Come up with Title.

Yikes I haven't posted in a while. Why haven't I been posting and what's my excuse the other blogger asks? Well, I've been both busy and lazy. So why have I decided to post now? Well I just painted my nails and now I'm waiting for them to dry, so I have nothing better to do than post. (: Oh and of course I miss you guys. <3

How has everyones long weekend been so far? I went out shopping at the Eaton Center yesterday. (: It was amazzzinggggg~ (Haven't shopped in a long long time) Yes, my day was very very eventful yesterday. I bought two floral dresses from Forever 21, a skirt from H&M, The Body Shop seaweed toner and vitamin E day cream, and Seche Vite (Nail polish top coat) from Trade Secret. On top of buying all those amazingtastic things, I also got to try italian food, like legit italian food. It was soooooooooo gooooooooooooooood. Like honestly, next time you're in toronto go to CANTEEN and try their al parma pizza. A-mazing. Oh and for those of you who have heard of or been to the restaurant, they got a new menu last tuesday. (: Everyone should try their Tomato and Watermelon salad. As weird as that combination might sound, it is sooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooood. (Also this is a totally biased opinion because I love love love watermelons.) Ohhhh and and and for those of you who have never tried yellow watermelon, its also in the salad. (: So amazing. Something else I learned yesterday while I was there is that they have this red celery that tastes just like strawberries. So amazing, eh? I think I use the word amazing too much. (Note to self, must expand vocabulary. Btw, NO TOMTOM. GG AND JELLIES DON'T COUNT.)

JOIDJOFADF. Its been like 10min and my nail polish is dry O_O SECHE VITE IS AMAZING. Do becareful though because if u press hard enough you can still leave dents and stuff. Oh and for those who are wondering what nail polish I'm using under my top coat, its Got A Date To-Knight! by O.P.I. Its a really pretty baby pink nail polish.


Yesterday was a super fun and exciting day, and today has just been slow. I slept in most of the day -cough- til 3pm and haven't done much since then. Hopefully the rest of my weekend will be more fun.

So my nail polish has completely dried and that means this post should come to an end. I'll update everyone again later. Its so nice to be blogging again.

As tradition, I must make fun of TomTom or post embarassing photos of him. So enjoy. <3

Ew. TomTom doesn't chew with his mouth closed.
Look at that giant soup bowl.
Pfft, and people think asians don't eat a lot.
Awws. TomTom attempts to hide face from cam. So jokes. ;D

That's the end of my post. I'll post again later. (: Bai. <3

P.S. Happy now TomTom? I'm posting once again.
P.S.S. I just remembered something else that I bought...HELLO KITTY TISSUES. I'M SERIOUS. CHINA TOWN SELLS EVERYTHING...INCLUDING HELLO KITTY TISSUES. So, if you ever need tissues, come to me. I has Hello Kitty tissues....on second thought, maybe you shouldn't come to me...I might not share them with you. O;

Thursday 21 April 2011

Weekend Prep

It's a long four day weekend. Which means a couple of things

Since there is no school on Friday, this means the guys will not meet on Friday and therefore there will be no Shenanigans this week.

Something else to note is that because it is a long weekend I could either end up writing an endless stream of blog posts, or I could end up writing no posts, it really depends on how much sleep I feel like I want this weekend.

This week has been a pretty light week in terms of posting. Although I'm not sure what the other's excuse for this is, my excuse is very simply that while I am not a very busy man (you see, the main reason I'm blogging is because I have way too much time on my hands) I am a very lazy man.

So you see, I haven't been posting because I am lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

It's something I was born with, and something I will die with (or possibly because of).

Now I know laziness doesn't really sound like a good excuse not to update, but that's ok because I don't really have to justify myself to anyone.

However, if any of you reading this has any suggestions for topics I can write on, feel free to utilize the comments and spam me with topics, if I find one that is completely bat shit insane, I may just write about it.

And....I have now run out of material to write about, you see what I mean? Bloggers need content to blog about, otherwise we just drone on and on and on and on (you see where I'm going with this) and on and on and on and on about absolutely nothing.

As readers, you are the ones who ultimately have to suffer the product of me writing on auto-pilot, so it's not like I really care.

-tis Tommy

Wednesday 20 April 2011

Remember when I used to sketch? #6

The sketch dump must continue.

All my sketches were drawn from images I found on Google

-tis Tommy

Sunday 17 April 2011

Shenanigans #2


Or rather, it was Friday, which was when I was supposed to write Shenanigans #2; as you can see that clearly did not happen.

The reason for this isn't because Friday was such an epic day that I couldn't write it all in one day.

Nor was it because I was carefully crafting every word to make this post the most incredibly awesome piece of literature this side of the internet.

The reason why this post is so late is actually because I was just simply too lazy to write it.

Yup, that's it. Nothing special, I'm just a lazy piece of shit. Learn to deal with it.

Moving on.

"Apple's version of a mage, is just an image"
"Yeah, and Apple's version of running, is a country." 

Wild shit went down this Friday like you wouldn't believe.

No, there was no chess match this time.

Nor was there a piano jam session.

Even that rapper from last week ran off to go work at some bar.

So what was so epic that everything from last week simply paled in comparison?

Text Twist, that's what.

If we miss the word "use" one more time, I'm going to give up on English.

For four hours, 3 Asians and a white guy played text twist.

And we did not lose a single round.

You see that score? That's over 9000. Times TEN.
For four hours, it was round after round of narrowly out-witting the insanity of the English lexicon.

You may thing it doesn't really sound fun, or that it doesn't even sound exciting. You might think it sounds nerdy; hell I'll even agree with you that it's nerdy.

But those four hours were goddamn awesome.

And to anyone out there hating, go ahead and hate because I got to be happy. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you don't understand how enjoyable it is to hang out with friends, you can just eat a dick like all the other haters.

After Text Twist there was basketball. Life is good.

-tis Tommy

Secret Exposed.

Due to my extended absence, I shall now repay you guys with a special post. What is this post about you may ask? You shall soon find out.

So, I'm back and I missed everyone. (: It's been a long time since I've posted, you want to know why? Too bads, I'm not telling you...but I'm sure most of you can guess. ;D And for those of you who can't guess, even more too bads.









You need more topics, go talk about fashion, pretty things, start a short story, DO DRUGS, DO SOMETHING BESIDES HUMILIATING ME ONLINE. -Tommy

Remember when I used to sketch? #5

Sketch dump nearing completion, Shenanigans #2 incoming.

It's a giant eye, problem?

-tis Tommy

Friday 15 April 2011

Remember when I used to sketch? #4

So I was going to write Shenanigans #2, but my cell phone has the pictures, and my cell phone is upstairs, therefore I do not write.

Here's another sketch instead.

Calm down motherfuckers, this is the last picture of an animal.

tis Tommy

Thursday 14 April 2011

The Face Post #2.

As I promised, I am writing The Face Post #2.

Unlike last time however, this post will comprise mostly of TomTom since I have not taken any new pictures except for one. What have I been doing instead of cam whoring? Well, I've been busy baking. :3 I made peanut butter brownie cups and chocolate fudge cookies. Want picturesss? Too badz. I kid. (:

Here comes the terror that is TomTom's face. (Just kidding, don't get so mad goshh.)
You have been warned.

TomTom H(oe)

Why So Cereal?

"Yes, I'm 40. Beware of The P3d0StAChE."

-Attempts to smile-

"Oh yeahh. Right thereee. Babeeeeehhhhhh~
Come closer. Say it. Say it loud. I want the whole world to hear."
"Oh babeh, those are the words."


"I has wet hair."


"I r depressed. Hug plawksorz."

"Why do you hate me physicsssssssss. Whyyyyyyyy."

-Stares at ball-
-Shats Brix-

"Hmm, I could've sworn the ball was just in the middle a second ago."

"This does not make any sense...

"I wonder if its edible...."

"Nina...Why. Just why."

Oh and if you're wondering why TomTom's hair was wet in all these photos...It's because he thinks everyone (-cough- himself) looks better with wet hair. 

P.S. TomToms actually the one that reminded me to make this post. Oh and he took these photos on his own without me pressuring him to do so. Yes, he's a cam whore. Np Np TomTom. Your secret is now out. (:

Unbelievable, ikr?

These are the brownie cups I made.
Terrible lighting, I know.
Do forgive though. (: You know the bowtie is cute. <3

For my boyfriendddd~ Love youu. <3
I leave you to do one simple post, and you troll me like this? REALLY NOW? -_-

Remember when I used to sketch? #3


By which I mean one sketch.

No, I didn't actually go outside to sketch this. It was from a picture.

-tis Tommy

Wednesday 13 April 2011

Remember when I used to sketch? #2

One by one, I post sketches on to the internets

Apparently when I was in grade 11 I thought drawing kitchen crap was just the most boss thing ever.

That is all.

-tis Tommy

Tuesday 12 April 2011

Happy Two Weeks.

So it has offically been two weeks since TomTom and I have made this blog.

Happy two weeks anniversary. <3

In celebration of this fabulous event, we have decided to continue our The Face Post series and post The Face Post #2 in two days. Until then, please enjoy this picture of....ADOFJAODSFJOIAS.

Behold my maturity.

TomTom: Really now Nina?

P.S. I can hear you humming TomTom. Go back to rapping, boiii.

Remember when I used to sketch?

I found my old sketchbook, and I've decided to scan them and dump them all here.

Trees yo, really horribly drawn trees.

That sketch was actually pretty bad; here's a sketch of a cat that looks a bit better.

By now, you should have realized that I'm a cat person
Two picture today, that is all. More incoming.

-tis Tommy

Rage Essence #2

Gentlemen, it is that time of the week again.

No, it's not the time for me to express my complete and utter disappointment at the other of this blog, although there is plenty of that incoming.

It is the time now to make the weekly rage out update.

In the last rage essence, I mentioned an individual, who happened to take an insult a tiny smidgen bit too seriously and throw a goddamn keyboard across the room.

Today's rage essence showcases this individual once again, although this time, he introduces us to not the F1 rage storm, but the F2.

The F2 rage storm is different from the F1 in that it is much more sustained, and makes everyone around more welcoming to the idea of arming the civilian populace.

What results from this is much chair and monitor flipping, along with a couple of hard kicks to desks that causes near inches of displacement.

The damage that inevitable is inflicted on the inanimate objects in the general area is impossible to prevent, so how are you supposed to stop an F2 rage storm?

Prevention is always better than any solution.

Consider what happened to trigger this storm. The same instigator from last time, decided it would be abso-fucking-lutely hilarious to invade the seat that our rager had already taken by flipping the chair on him.

That's right kids, if you violently take over someone else's seat, be prepared to fend of a F2 rage storm. Especially if that someone is a fat guy. Never fuck with fat guys. That is all.

-tis Tommy

Btw, it's nice to see you finally posted; I lol at your attempt to give relationship advice; I am extremely disappoint that you choose to once again insult me.
Clearly, you are only nice to one person, and we all know who that is (for those out of the loop, go read the "Surprise" post. Seriously, go read it and then tell it to the whole world; lulz will be assured).

Also, I'm totally not depressed or raging, I've actually been very content with life lately.

Monday 11 April 2011


I am currently exhausted and I have school tomorrow. Why am I posting? I feel guilty. TomTom has been nagging me to post for the past couple of the days and I have continued to disappoint him. So before I go to bed today, I shall make this random post. Yes, random since I never really stick to one topic in my posts.

Actually, I feel nice right now, so I'm going to share a couple of tips with you guys. Tips about what you may ask? Well my friends, tips to figure out if someone likes you or not. (Note: I just learnt these recently.)

1) Pupils Dilating. (I found this one to be the most interesting since it wasn't until recently that I've actually seen this happen.)
- I've been told that a person's pupils dilate when they look at someone they like. Of course your pupils dilate naturally when there isn't an adequate amount of light, but that is besides the point. Oh and you have to pay really close attention to notice this change, but when the change does occur you will see a DRASTIC change. Not even kidding. It's almost as if someone put on circle lenses.

2) Change in tone of voice.
- Not really sure if this works in general or just with people that you like, but a person's voice would generally change to match the tone of the one that they like.
- I speak quietly, you speak quietly
- I speak in a higher pitch, you speak in a higher pitch

3) Unnecessarily touchy.
- Sure there are a lot of really friendly and touchy people out there, -cough- me, but people are generally more touchy around those that they like. Unnecessarily touchy. Yeah, physical contact is completely normal, but when you have unnecessary contact or too much contact that generally has another meaning. What other meanings you may ask? Well boys and girls it really depends. You see, if a creepy old guy touches you inappropriately, it probably means he's a pedophile and it also means you need to dial 911. However, if one were to touch you (say, feel your hair), it can mean one of two things:
1) This person likes you a lot and wants contact with you.
2) You have amazingly soft hair and he/she is secretly planning to shave you bald. (I'm just kidding. -cough cough-)

4) The person tells you that he/she likes you.
- Kay, first of all, don't be stupid. If someone seriously tells you that they like you, THEY PROBABLY LIKE YOU. Don't deny it or play dumb because you know deep down no matter how awful the person's appearance or personality may be, a little part of you is happy to know someone likes you. (Unless you're already in a relationship, then that may be a little awkward. In that case, why are you reading this? Also, if you're in a relationship and the person you are in a relationship with isn't enough and you still need this attention, then you're an attention seeking whore. KThxBai.)

5) Gut feeling.
- As crazy as you may feel sometimes, you're not. One's gut feeling generally tends to be correct, but if you've had a record of misleading gut feelings, do proceed to unacknowledge its existence.

After writing all this, I feel as if I may have sounded like a jerk in some parts. It's okay. My excuse is that I wrote all this after reading TomTom's posts. His depression and rage has leaked into mine. Jay kay...sort of.

TomTom, you need to cheer up and stop writing depressing posts. Also, you have sweaty hands. Yes, now the whole world knows. Why did I just type that? Iunno. I gotta make fun of you at least once in each post. Why do I have to do that you may wonder? Uhhh...let me put it this way, wouldn't it be weird if I didn't make fun of you? Yes yes. Kbai. (No, I'm actually secretly nice...but only to some people.)

Kay, so there's one last thing I would like to address before I close off this post. JAODIFJOADS. We know you're reading. Yes, you lurks. Thanks for lurking our blog, but really, some feed back or acknowledgement would be nice. So which one of you is from Cooksville? Oh and the Montreal viewer, I think I know who you are, but seriously, it'd be nicer if you actually told me you were reading. Now I hope the rest of you had fun lurking and continue to lurk.

Every view counts towards the ice cream fund. <3

P.S. I hope you're happy TomTom.
P.S.S. Kay, I has no new picture and webcam is currently not working, soo....Enjoy this photo.

Ninaa: Yes, be deceived by my Face of Innocence.
Domo: Rawrrrr~

Sit down, lets chat

You and I have been cool lately.

You finally calmed down and warmed up, and started generally being more enjoyable.

But today was just ridiculous.

I'm just minding my own business, and BAM you hit me head on for no reason.

Ok, I'll can pass this off as an accident, no big deal.

I can just turn, and go back along me merrily little way.

Nope, you're there too, and now you're also starting to irritate me.

I turn the other way.

Seriously what the hell man, are you doing this shit on purpose? Get out of my face!

Ok, there's like only four goddamn directions possible, you can't be in freaking ALL of them.

Nope, still there.

This is no joke man, you're preventing me from moving here; every second I'm on this bike, my future progeny gets that much more retarded. JUST WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?

Yes, I'm talking about you again, NATURE.

So, after that perilous journey home, I've come to the conclusion that you and I need to have a talk. From one man to another physical phenomena.

Now, don't get me wrong, I don't hate you or anything like that; after all, I literally cannot live without you.

But I don't see what is preventing the two of us from coming to some sort of reasonable compromise here.

See, I've done my research, and I know this wind crap that you've been throwing at me isn't something you can exactly just stop.

However, the only type of wind I've seen that should be able to come at me in every single mother damning direction is either a goddamn tornado or a goddamn hurricane.

I've looked it up online, there is NO hurricanes either incoming to Hamilton, or currently in Hamilton.

I also happen to know that I'm still alive, and tornadoes have this nasty habit of picking people up and straight up murdering them.


Clearly, what you did to me is not some sort of natural thing you do involuntarily; it's something you actively worked at to piss me the hell off.

Which leads me to ask: Why the hate?

I've done nothing to make you mad man, and what you're doing is just downright unfriendly.

Oh god it's because I'm Chinese isn't it?

You're still bitter about us firing artillery at you back in the Beijing Olympics aren't you?


COME ON nature. That was 2 years ago, and it wasn't even me, it was the damn government man.

I swear if it was up to me, I would've let you rain all freaking summer man, I love monsoon season, some of my best friends are monsoon...seasons.

Look, if it makes you feel any better, I truly sorry about the whole firing anti-cloud shells at your face and everything.

Just...stop torturing me, please.

-tis Tommy

Seriously, I'm gonna be biking to school everyday now and my reproductive organs can't take much more of this.

Sunday 10 April 2011

'Crastination Take #1

It's Sunday, which means tomorrow I have a metric fuck ton of work due.

I have a metric fuck ton of work due tomorrow, which means right now I'm procrastinating.

I'm procrastinating, which means I'm doing everything conceivable excluding what I am supposed to do.

Turns out, everything is freaking boring, which means that doing work is starting to look like an enjoyable alternative.

Unfortunately, I have chronic procrastination syndrome, which means I'm going to avoid work even when I clearly do not want to.

This turns into me lurking the internet in an effort to amuse myself, while constantly looking at the time and calculating exactly how much time I have to do actual work if I started right now.


With every glance at the clock, the panic at the back of my mind grows a little more. Yet I continue to delay.

Even as I type this, alarms are going off in my head, my brain is literally telling me to fucking stop being a retard and get to work.

When the voices in my head start to dish out logically sound advice, I know something has gone horribly awry.

Still delaying.

It seems like my entire life is just one big orgy of delays.

Then again, if I want to go into that train of thought, life is just a period of delay until death.

Damn, that was a depressing thought.

Time to look at a rainbow, that'll make me feel better.

Double the rainbow, double the better.

Feeling better, and motivated to actually do work now.

Ok well, feeling better at least.

Time to get some work done.

-tis Tommy

By the way, did you know the Harmonized Sales Tax used to be called the Blended Sales Tax?
The HST tax would've very literally have been called the BST; now that would've been honesty in policy making right there.
Damn politicians and their anal naming sense.


The two most important guys in my life...

Who may they be you ask? One of them is Domo as you may have read earlier, while the other still remains a mystery. So who is this mysterious guy? Is he also a stuffed animal? Well my friends, he is not. He is a living breathing human being. Not "Human" being as some of you may misinterpret, but rather human being. (For those of you that are confused, this is a really bad inside joke.)

Who exactly is this special person that I've mentioned in the past post(s) [can't remember how many times I've mentioned him]? Well, his name is Robert. No don't go facebooking him right now because he doesn't go to Westdale. Obviously I wouldn't date a Hamilton guy. DURRRRS. No offence to all the Hamiltonions out there though. (:

Oh and be prepared for super duper cheese.

What's so special about this guy?
For one, he makes me extremely happy. He's the sweetest most cutest guy ever and he just puts the biggest smile on my face. Robbiffer is just so amazing and he's so speciallllll to meee. He's talented in so many ways and he's just perfect. (:

Why choose him?
Other than him being freaking awesometastic, he's just a super nice and friendly person. (One tip: if you want the person to like you, be nice.) Some of you might be like "ohhhh, he's only nice because he likes you." So what? Of course he's nice because he likes me, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a nice person to others as well. He's just so lovable. (: Why else do you think people call him sunshine?
Not only does he have wonderful characteristics, he's also very talented. He can cook, play the guitar, clean, sew, drive, and brighten a person's day. (Yes, all you guys out there go learn to cook and clean and all that jazz. ;D Go on YouTube and watch WongFuProductions for tips and laughs...and if you really want a good laugh, go watch bubbiosity's What Not To Do On A Date.)

How did I find someone so special?
No, I didn't find him at an asian supermarket. In fact, he's not asian. He's partially Italian, Irish, and Ukrainian. "Oh emm gee," some of you might say, "he a white boy." No, actually he's an european canadian boy. Does that mean I picked him up at a Canadian Italian restaurant? Nopes. It just means I got lucky.

Still in shock?
It's okay, a lot of other people were as well. For those that weren't shocked, congratz for having a wider mind and being understanding.

What does he look like?
Since I'm dating him, obviously he looks good. Want a picture? Too bads. I'll post a picture of him another day.

Well, I hope everyone had fun lurking my life.

I love you Robert. <3

P.S. Why am I bragging about him? Because I can. (:

Saturday 9 April 2011

A picture #2

I have nothing interesting or witty to say, so here is another picture:

-tis Tommy

-Sigh- Disappointment.

All thanks for TomTom, we now have a bunch of random advertisments about starcraft. I r disappointed. So out of disappointment, I'm going to make TomTom write a paragraph while I use the little girl's room.

I'm just going to hold down a random letter until you come back to write this post properly


-Facepalm- Why tomtom, why?

So right now I'm being forced to write a post and being told I'm a jerk by TomTom because I'm trolling -- oh wait, apparently I'm being told I'm a joke...which clearly doesn't make any sense because CLEARLY TomTom is the joke here. -points at his face- Exactly.

Anyways, so I'm at William's Coffee Pub right now waiting for my uhh...special person. (: Yes, he's very special to me. Who is he you might wonder? You'll have to keep guessing until I get this other half post of mine finished. So...BE IN SUSPENSE. Bwuahhahaas.

What did I have at William's you might wonder, well that brings a up a funny story. Originally I told TomTom to get CREAM OF POTATO SOUP...but nooo, he just had to get cream of onion....and they end up giving us french onion soup. Oh and for all the chinese people out there, the french onion soup looks like jiang you pao man tou. (酱油泡馒头)[For all those who don't understand chinese, it basically translates into soysauce soaking chinese bun thingy...GO GOOGLE.] We also got some breakfast bagel that TomTom ended up chowing down on...he was very disappoint that I took this portion with a lot of bacon. Then we got vanilla chillers, and let me tell you....TomTom was very amused. (: It was like seeing a kid in a candy store. He was VERY VERY amused at how the whip cream on the drink moved down every time he took a sip.  

TomTom Enjoying his milkshake.

Bagel with the bacon. (: Very Delishh~ 

Nom nom nomms~
My milkshakeee.

Look at the whip cream~

-Attempts to block TomTom's face with straw-

Yeah, sorry there's no picture of the soup. We ate it all before we took pictures. Doesn't this day seem so much better than TomTom's other one? I surely think so especially since I got to see a special someone after hanging out with TomTom at William's.

P.S. Definitely go try the food. Then you can be as happy as TomTom when you get your own milkshake/chiller. (:


Yay, do you know what time it is kids? It's time for our weekly joint post~

That's right kids, today you are going to learn all about the different joints that make up the human body.

Yup yup, so we'll start off with your rectus femoris...I saw the fattest one on the street today it looked like a freaking tree...yes, a tree...a very LARGE tree.

Clearly you would know this because you stared at it for half an eternity.

Oh yeah, she was fineeeeeeeee, I could not stop staring. (;

Too bad you never got her number there.

How do you know I didn't get her number? I got her freaking pants size.

What you talking about, you were too busy laughing at her obesity to talk to her.

Hey she saw the signals I sent and I was not laughing at her obesity. I was laughing at her sexiness. (;

Your "signals" consisted of you pointing at her and trying to stifle laughter, you totally did not get her number.

Pfft, I did too. What you talking about, girlfriend?

Ok, fine I wish you happiness in your relationship, but we really should get back on topic.

What is our topic anyways?

Weren't we going to talk about joints?


Damnit, you promised me we were going to do a post on marijuana joints.

Yeah, and you promised me ice cream. DIDN'T GET THAT DID I?


That's what she said.

Are you questioning my gender again?

Of course not, we all know you're a girl.

....You've posted pictures of me you know, and clearly I am a MALE.

Are you sure? You looked like a chick in those pictures. Say cheese.

Very attractive eh? HA.

Clearly the face of a MAN.

Proof of me looking like a man, while looking like a boss.

HA, funniest joke I heard all day.

Your day must've been really dry and boring then.

Naws, I just don't see people like you every day. I only see pretty people.

Oh I forgot, you're the superficial one in this blog.

You're just jellies.

NO, YOU'RE JELLIES, I'm peanut butter rememeber? So I can go around owning people with allergies.

LOLLS, jokessssssssssssssss. GIMMIE ICE CREAM.



When we get 700 views.

Okiie dokiies, MOAR PEOPLE LURK. COME ON PEOPLE. Let's work together to get nina ice cream. <3

and click those ads, I'll seriously give you candy. (Some of that candy has already been distributed, it's first come first serve).

-Cough- I wouldn't go for the candy....they're pree sketchy.

wtf you talking about, they're mentos, you were there when I bought them...

Did you forget what we bought them originally for? -cough- blowing things up.

We were going to shove them in diet coke and fire them at squirrels, but you chickened out.

WHAT? NO WE WEREN'T. I'd never participate in animal cruelty.

It's now animal cruelty, I'm contributing to the squirrel festivals that go on this time of the year.

What festivals?....I think you're crazy.

I'm not crazy, I did that online quiz and passed with flying colors.

Yeah, you're not crazy, you're just bipolar.


Now you have amnesia too?

I could've sworn I was fighting off the Free Masons in the Amazon before this, how the hell did I end up in a coffee shop?

-face palm- I think the FRENCH ONION soup gave him brain damage.

It's ok, even with brain damage I'm mentally superior to you.

So jokes. You keep thinking that kiddoh.

I post more, therefore I have more know what I mean. Oh wait nvm, you probably don't BECAUSE YOU'RE MENTALLY INFERIOR

Yeah, you're right. I can't comprehend stupidity. WAI SO DUMBDUMB TOMTOM?

Recognize fool, that only people who comprehend stupidity can transcend it.

Kay you keep thinking that dumbo.

Excellent rebuttal, next time, try to have a point as well.

Had to keep it simple for you, you know? Don't want you getting hurt while attempting to decipher arguments.

Nice cover.


Stop letting your boredom leak into the post.

Sor-ry you're so boring.

Didn't you read my Friday post, my life is so epic.

It's only epic because I am willing to hang out with you from time to time.

What j00 talking bout, my day was epic yesterday, and I didn't even see you.

Yeah, tis why yesterday sucked.

I refer you to yesterday's post, clearly my day was epic, ALSO YOU DID NOT POST ANYTHING AND I WAS DISAPPOINT.

Sadface, sorry. ): I post something today okaiies?

You need to take care of your readers too you know, I'm sure they don't need to read my posts while waiting for yours.

Awwws, that's so true TomTom. For once we agree.

This means you're going to post right? It's not going to just be you saying "I'ma post" and then later saying "I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT"

LOLS. Actually, yeahh...dammit, you guessed my plan.

......Seriously, what is it with you and not being able to write these days?

Iunno, writer's block?


Yeah...I don't think it works like that. It doesn't just UNBLOCK when I tell it to. It's kind of like telling a fat man to stop eating McDonald's. He's not going to stop even if you say he's going to get a heart attack and die.

Seal his mouth shut, that'll solve the problem; clearly you're just not thinking hard enough about your problem.

Dude, he can always inject McDonald's into himself....YOU CAN'T STOP AN ADDICT. Remember the jelly beans? Exactly.

You're addicted to writer's block? That's not even....

Wait why are we relating addiction to my writer's block?...

Scroll up, you will see that you did that, there is no "we" here, it's just you.

Oh oops then. Well, TOO BADS. JOADIFJAIODSJFAOI. Blah.

Yes, break the keyboard, that'll fix your writer's block.

Hey hey hey, don't hate on the keyboard bashing. Tis mah thing kay? I don't hate on your face do I now? Oh wait I do.

So, you just made an argument, and then rebutted it yourself? What do you usually get on persuasive essays?

Higher than STFU. (: GG. Rage boii rageeee. I see you raging... (:

Goddamnit, now when he reads this he's going to rage at ME.

LOLLS, have fun. (:

Guess I'll just block everyone on my msn list for the weekend and wait for it to blow over.


I see this post has basically died. Time to pull the plug yes?

Yup yup. KBai.

-Ninaa & TomTom
P.S. If you've read this far, YOU GOT REAL PATIENCE.
P.S.S. As you can see by the title, this was going to be about food. And if you read all this expecting that, HAHA YOU JUST GOT SCREWED!