Saturday 7 May 2011

Really Really Late Post.

I posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Yes yes yes. Why am I posting? BECAUSE I'M WAITING FOR MY NAIL POLISH TO DRY. O;

For starters I just want to say, TomTom's posts made me lauff. I laughed even harder when I read that he used "right" instead of "write". LOLOLOLOL. Why did I just LOLOLOLOL? I has no ideas. -cough- must be the cough meds and the nail polish fumes.

Nuhhhhs, i messed up a nail and now I'm too lazy to fix it.

Kay, you know what TomTom should do? He should totally start a youtube account. He is HILARIOUS. Not only to look at, but also when he talks. So in conclusion, he is the ultimate funny man. Now go pressure him to make funny youtube videos. (:

Wow. So far this post has just been randomness. It's okay...because I show pictures soon. (:

So what have I been up to lately? Obviously not, actually I've been busy with a special someone. (: -cough- You know who you are. <3

Random picture I took on the car ride to 'Sauga.

Look at the pretty pretty skyyyy. <3

Kay, so basically everything that you've read up to this point was written last week. Sorry about the late post...why didn't I post it last week? I have no idea....but its okay, it was my birthday so everythings okay. Yes, it was my 18th birthday last thursday. I am now legally responsible and blah blah blah. Screw all that, I'm still an immature lil' kid. (:

Yes yes, and also there will be much much more picture posting from now onnnn. ;D So be prepared for cam whoringgggg. (:

I think I'll close this post off at here and post something else laterrrr. Its nice to be blogging again. (:

P.S. Enjoy this photo of TomTom. ;D


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