Monday 23 May 2011

I see a very thin layer of dust has settled on the blog

So I noticed that blog has been neglected for almost a week now, and uh....I blame the other blogger for this. It is all her fault.

Having mitigated all blame of the blog negligence away from me, I'm going to talk about some random shit for a bit before my driving lesson.

So, I was out yesterday with the family and some friends of the family watching fireworks.

Fireworks are very pretty.

And uh...


You may have guessed by now, but I actually have nothing to say this time. It's not like other times where I say I don't have anything to say and then proceed to rant for 5 paragraphs in a roundabout of useless information that ends up making me sound like a raving lunatic.

No, this time, I actually have nothing to say.

I really just wanted to update the blog with something.

It's really too bad my life is so boring.


Like if I walked out of the house, and there was just suddenly pianos. Pianos flying everywhere.

And then I could tame one, and ride it to school. While playing the Benny Hill theme.

But I digress.

-tis Tommy
Also will the other author here please post something, otherwise I'm going to start to flood the blog with cat posts.
Lots and lots of cat posts.

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