Wednesday 18 May 2011


Yes, I am going to bitch about the weather once again. Fucking deal with it.

So I was in driving school today, and when the class took a recess for dinner, I decided I was thirsty and went out to get a drink.

When I got out, it was raining. A bit.

By a bit, I mean a nice cool drizzle that felt pretty damn good; a wonderful reminder of spring.

Then right as I reach a stretch of road with no air cover, THE WHOLE SKY USES WATER BLAST.


I manage to get out of that bullshit with minimal soakage, and after ducking into the store to get my drink, I wait for the rain to calm down a bit before heading back.

As I head back, Nature decides that it'll just be HILARIOUS if right as I walk past the same spot, THE SAME GODDAMN THING HAPPENS.

My clothes now have more water in them than whatever the hell material China uses to manufacture clothes these days. Point is, I'm soaked and not very happy.

But because the whole damn world just DOES NOT like me in general, some jackass in a car has to drive by me and kick up precisely the right amount of water to completely engulf me in a sort of mini-tidal wave.

I'm now wet, pissed, and extremely agitated. The only reason I didn't implode was because green tea is really really calming.

I get back to class, and I am fucking dripping water EVERYWHERE.

Motherfucking water in my motherfucking clothes
And there was presentations going on today, so I spent the rest of class looking like a half-drowned cat, with a seething expression of hatred on my face inadvertently directed the presenters, hopefully they were not looking my way.

I was exuding so much boiling irritation that I think it actually managed to speed up the rate in which my hair dried.

Also I had to present, but by then I was slightly more calm, and managed to get through it without sounding like I wanted to murder everyone in the room.

Had to sit there for 3 goddamn hours, wrapped in wet rags. ugh...

I guess you could say my life is actually pretty good, considering this is about as sour as my life ever gets.

But don't you ever say that.

-tis Tommy

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