Tuesday 3 May 2011

Random shit

Double posting. BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT.

So I was just reading Cracked, on saw this article on how Viagra can make you see everything blue. Not related to anything relevant, just wanted to point that out.

Ok, so in hindsight, I probably should not have started another post since I just realized I don't have anything to write about.

And seeing as I have a physics test this Friday and some various homework due tomorrow, I totally should not be here, but the urge to procrastinate does very odd things to a persons psychological mindset.

Guess I'll just say some random shit before signing off this post then.

It's May now, which for many grade 12 students means that the final round of acceptance letters are coming out.

For those who have yet to receive their acceptance, you should just give up all hope now and kill yourself.

Disclaimer: The previous sentence was a joke. Do not actually kill yourself. If you really do have to though, don't mention this blog in your suicide note.

In all seriousness University acceptance rates in Canada are high enough that even if you don't get into your first choice, there's plenty of other university's that you could fall back on (you did remember to apply for more than one program/university right?).

Besides, College isn't that bad, it'll certainly get you a paying job faster than university, and costs less. Of course, you get a lower paying job so that kinda sucks.

Anyway, what I'm really getting at it is that I've already got my acceptance, and since I'm going into co-op my future employment worries are much much less, so everything I just said was basically to troll on those not accepted yet by reminding them of the fact that they may very well not get accepted into university (which if you are Asian basically brands you as a total failure. Culture stereotypes are a bitch).

Speaking of cultural stereotypes, I've entered driving school. In fact, my second lesson is tomorrow. Which also means that tomorrow I will be able to do exactly zero amount of work since I have no opportunity to go home.

Of course I could go to the library and be productive, but all the desks are usually taken by the time I get there, and I'm not nearly obese enough to pull people out with my gravitational force, and not exactly creepy enough to just stare people out of desks (although I bet some people think otherwise. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.) I'm forced to just stand between the shelves and read random non-fictions (can't exactly bust out a manga novel in the middle of the library anymore).

Alright. I've managed to right a bunch of random shit, and shove in a picture somewhere into the post. I'm going to write this off as Mission Accomplished and just abruptly stop ranting.

-tis Tommy

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