Tuesday 3 May 2011

I am not sorry about not posting

So I haven't made an actual proper post in while.

In fact, even I realize my past couple of posts have just been a series of random pictures. If you think that was just me being lazy, then you are totally right. Good job on that.

Now I'm not quite sure how this works, but I've been told that the proper follow up to the previous sentence is either some sort of apology or an excuse.

Right off the bat, you should know that I'm not going to apologize. I am not sorry for not having posted anything interesting or significant in the past week. So those of you hoping for an apology, screw you.

Ok, so I had a bit of an outburst there. No fuck off I'm not apologizing for that either. But I will give you an excuse. An excuse for not posting, not the outburst. The outburst you're just going to have to deal with it.

Anyway, contrary to what my previous posts may have led you to believe, I've not been busy playing Starcraft 2, in fact, it is quite the opposite.

I've been playing Portal 2.

Two and a Half Men. Wait no, I mean Portal 2. Yes, that's the one, Portal 2.

Some of you may not know what Portal 2 is, and to you people, I slowly shake head at.

The point is Portal 2 (and Portal 1) are two of my favorite non-violence based games. In fact, the Portal series basically runs along the premise of a physics puzzle solving game. Those four words is usually not seen together when describing one of the best games I know.

Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is, the reason I have not been posting lately is because I've let Portal 2 consume my life. (And laziness, if you guessed laziness before this, then you are also right and you can go ask me for a cookie when you see me).

Well that's my excuse for not posting, and any logical and reasonable person can totally see my rational here for abandoning an attempt to do school work/post on blog/eat/get adequate sleep and all those other useless tasks I have to perform before I can get back to playing Portal 2.

Gotta go now. I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to do.

-tis Tommy

By the way, if you guessed that I was going to play Portal 2, you are WRONG and there will be no cookie for you. 
I'm actually going to play some piano. 
Then do work. 
A lot of work. 
That has been piled up. 
Very high. 
To like...the moon. 
Ok maybe not the moon. 
I'm going to do at least one page today. 
Yes, I'm going to do one page. 
And I'll remind myself of this by reading my blog post.
Foolproof plan.

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