Tuesday 24 May 2011


I am backs, but it is currently 1:18 a.m. and I am utterly brain dead. Why am I still posting? Because the other blogger has been bugging me for weeks and weeks and I feel really bad and I promised him something to read in the morning. That sentence was very run on....but that's okay.

So my life is going awesome so far...NOT. Well life is going amazingly, but school life hasn't. Next person that sees me, please pinch me and tell me to get back to work. KThxBai.

What have I been up to for the past however long its been? Well, I hope the following pictures explain something because I sure in hell don't have an excuse...or maybe I do, but I'm too tired to think of it right now.


Add captions? Screw you bro. Also screen glare in this picture.

Instead of adding captions, I'm just going to rant like a motherfucker.

And way to post content by the way, I like how I write and you just post pictures.

Now if you could only take funnier pictures. Like in this one, it would be much better if someone was being brutally injured.

Likewise with this one, would it kill you to drown someone here?

Or here? You even have like a perfectly centered island that you can drown someone from. It would be great

Just imagine a lake. Calm, serene, relaxing and soothing.


Wait, even better, suddenly, some random person falls from the sky. Hits one of those swans.

And then the swans drown that mofo and proceed to swim off without a care in the world.

*I'm not craptioning this

Then they come back with their friends to laugh at the dead drowned guy. Wait, that's actually not that funny. Your pictures are not conducive to making elaborate jokes man. Take funnier pictures. And not of me, those don't count

In case you're wondering where these photos were taken, all of the above except for the last one with the 5 swans were taken at Mississauga lake shore and the last picture was taken at Oakville lake shore. Gotta love lake shores. <3

It's nice to be blogging again. (: Miss you guys~

P.S. We're almost at 2000 views! (: Make TomTom buy me ice creammmm. O;
P.S.S. As tradition, I must make funnah TomTom or post funneh picture of him~ Here it is. (:

For some odd strange reason, I feel like I've posted this picture before.
you posted another picture of me eating watermelon. STOP TAKING PICTURE OF ME EATING WATERMELON.

Monday 23 May 2011

I see a very thin layer of dust has settled on the blog

So I noticed that blog has been neglected for almost a week now, and uh....I blame the other blogger for this. It is all her fault.

Having mitigated all blame of the blog negligence away from me, I'm going to talk about some random shit for a bit before my driving lesson.

So, I was out yesterday with the family and some friends of the family watching fireworks.

Fireworks are very pretty.

And uh...


You may have guessed by now, but I actually have nothing to say this time. It's not like other times where I say I don't have anything to say and then proceed to rant for 5 paragraphs in a roundabout of useless information that ends up making me sound like a raving lunatic.

No, this time, I actually have nothing to say.

I really just wanted to update the blog with something.

It's really too bad my life is so boring.


Like if I walked out of the house, and there was just suddenly pianos. Pianos flying everywhere.

And then I could tame one, and ride it to school. While playing the Benny Hill theme.

But I digress.

-tis Tommy
Also will the other author here please post something, otherwise I'm going to start to flood the blog with cat posts.
Lots and lots of cat posts.

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Yes, I am going to bitch about the weather once again. Fucking deal with it.

So I was in driving school today, and when the class took a recess for dinner, I decided I was thirsty and went out to get a drink.

When I got out, it was raining. A bit.

By a bit, I mean a nice cool drizzle that felt pretty damn good; a wonderful reminder of spring.

Then right as I reach a stretch of road with no air cover, THE WHOLE SKY USES WATER BLAST.


I manage to get out of that bullshit with minimal soakage, and after ducking into the store to get my drink, I wait for the rain to calm down a bit before heading back.

As I head back, Nature decides that it'll just be HILARIOUS if right as I walk past the same spot, THE SAME GODDAMN THING HAPPENS.

My clothes now have more water in them than whatever the hell material China uses to manufacture clothes these days. Point is, I'm soaked and not very happy.

But because the whole damn world just DOES NOT like me in general, some jackass in a car has to drive by me and kick up precisely the right amount of water to completely engulf me in a sort of mini-tidal wave.

I'm now wet, pissed, and extremely agitated. The only reason I didn't implode was because green tea is really really calming.

I get back to class, and I am fucking dripping water EVERYWHERE.

Motherfucking water in my motherfucking clothes
And there was presentations going on today, so I spent the rest of class looking like a half-drowned cat, with a seething expression of hatred on my face inadvertently directed the presenters, hopefully they were not looking my way.

I was exuding so much boiling irritation that I think it actually managed to speed up the rate in which my hair dried.

Also I had to present, but by then I was slightly more calm, and managed to get through it without sounding like I wanted to murder everyone in the room.

Had to sit there for 3 goddamn hours, wrapped in wet rags. ugh...

I guess you could say my life is actually pretty good, considering this is about as sour as my life ever gets.

But don't you ever say that.

-tis Tommy

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Random Face Post.

Harro my dear lovely mochis. <3

I HAS RETURNED. Yes yes yes, Ninaa is back. (: Horrays~ Now being the lazy butt I am, I shall make post filled with pictures and lil' words. O; ITS OKAY THOUGH. I'll make a post filled with random words later. Promise. (: -cough-

Now to start this post off, I shall post embarassing pictures of TomTom once again. Bwuahahhahas. Enjoy~

The guy behind me is totally saying "u mad?"

Your picture taking really distracted me from my Sudoku game.

Seriously? I'm trying to play Sudoku here, and you're trying to tie my hair into a knot?

Ok, what the hell did you do.

Wait a minute...

Is that....

Lol nvm, the knots came out.
I laugh at how everything below has been photoshopped into oblivion.
Not shopped. Just...edited using really cool apps on my touch. ;D

AsianFace? Dunno what else to say.

Another AsianFace. All I can say is that...
I feel very very FOB right now.

Sakura & I.

SadFace. );

I stick tongue out at you.

Pree cool picture, if I do say so myself. ;D

The following may contain random asian posing, viewers discretion is advised.
Yeah, I don't know how to explain them either. Let's just say this happens when you have Nina + Random Korean Picture taking app.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures. I sure did when I took them. ;D I'll post more later. Peace. (:

P.S. I hope you're happy now TomTom. O;

My driving instructor is hilarious

I was attending driving school in preparation for becoming a dangerous road hazard last week (to my insurance company: that was a joke, I am very safe and competent driver, please don't cite this and make my insurance cost over $9000 a month).

Anyway, my instructor told me a joke, and I am compelled to share.

Here goes.

So three guys die horrifically in a car crash.

The end.

No, I'm just kidding.

They actually go to heaven. Hey wait, come back you atheists, it's a joke goddamnit!

Okay, back to the joke.

So they are in heaven, and they meet God.

Now, everyone knows in heaven everything is free. You go to store, whatever you want. Free. Sounds just like...um...well heaven.

So God tells the three dudes that he's going to give them each a car to drive around heaven in. Because clearly only Fast and Furious types manage to get in heaven, and all of those dumbasses want to for the rest of eternity is to drift around heaven in a sweet ride.

God takes the first guy aside, and he asks him

"Have you ever cheated on your wife?"

Because God hates cheaters.

So the guy, being an honest shitty guy responds "I'm truly sorry God, but I admit to cheating on my wife. Twice"

So God tells the guy "That's a pretty shitty thing to do, but you did make it to heaven for a reason, and you were honest about it; I won't give you a car, but here's a motorcycle. Now get the fuck out of my face you disgusting piece of turd."

Second guy.

Same question.

This guy, slightly better, only cheated once.

God says "you're half the piece of disgusting turd as the last one, so...take this Ford Lincoln and get out of my sight"

My teacher was feeling Ford that day, don't ask me why.

Third guy comes up.

Same question once more.

This guy says "God, my wife died a year ago, I loved her so much and never cheated on her and I've just been thinking about her since."

To this, God is very touched and he says "You're a really good guy, and for that you know what, I'm going to give you a Ford Mustang. Take it and drive it wherever you want. Enjoy eternity."

So the three guys depart into heaven, and God goes and...um...smites some motherfuckers I guess.

Couple weeks later, the three guys meet up with each other in a store, and the two cheaters notice that the guy with the Mustang looks really depressed.

They ask him "Hey man, you got a Mustang and you're literally in heaven, what's got you so down?"

The guy tells them "The other day I was driving around and I say my dead wife."

"She was riding a bike."

-tis Tommy

Sunday 15 May 2011

Shenanigans #3

This Friday was supposed to be another Text Twist session of awesomeness.

But alas, of the three plug-in stations, two were each occupied by lone (slightly creepy) old dudes on laptops, and the last was occupied by a family of Asians. (MacDonald's why u no have more plugs?)

Lacking the necessary tools for old people neutralization and lacking the necessary brute force for removing an Asian family, there was no choice but to abandon the word fiesta .

Next was a short stop to the local electronic emporium to ascertain the status of a friend's laptop in repair.

The store informed my friend it would be another week before it was fixed. Of course, that also happened to be the same thing the store said 7 months ago. 

I was pretty sure the store owner's have already sold his laptop for great profit, mostly to the Asian family from earlier, but I felt it would've been rude to say at the time, so instead he can learn this over the internet. 

I then bought another USB drive for convenient data transfer, having lost my old one about a week ago. My friend also bought a USB but it was fat, long, and looked pretty damn ugly, but it was cheaper by a dollar. Since the two of us are Asians, I guess he wins. This time.

Like my friend's, the warranty on my USB lasts for a couple years; I'll most definitely lose it within the month, which I've been told voids the warranty. That's seriously bogus shit, if I lose my USB during the warranty due to my own stupidity, I should be able to get another one for free goddamnit; I'd probably have argued that better if I actually read the terms of the warranty, but who am I kidding, when I lose this USB I'll just buy another, like I did the last two times.

All this constant misplacement of my USB have caused me to seriously consider whether it may be cheaper to just rent one. Although honestly what moron would rent a USB? The rental fee would probably be on par with the cost of one, seeing as I doubt anyone renting out USB's actually expects people to not lose them.

For every advance in technology, people will find away to turn it into an annoyance.

We drop by at the grocery store nearby, because somebody thought there was an electronic section in there.

There was not.

It was not an entirely wasted trip, since I did learn that Canadian grocery stores have adopted an interesting new category to cookies:

Curry Oreos? General Tso Chips Ahoy? Poutine?

You might think this is Canada saying Canadian cookies are real cookies, and everyone else is just making some ethnic rip off, but I see it was Canadian cookies too ashamed to call themselves Canadian cookies, opting instead to be known as nomadic nationless cookies.

This is what happens when you vote a conservative majority Canada, cookies abandon you.

That's right kids, you heard it here first, Cookies vote NDP.

Interestingly enough, the next aisle over also had Pasta and Ethnic Pasta, but nobody gives a shit about pasta so we're just going to move on.

As much fun as it was dissecting the deep meanings of grocery store aisle signs, my friends were going to think I've gone completely insane if I kept staring at that sign.

Couple hours left to burn till the gym opened, and the library was too far to go book a piano now.

So we played some basketball outside, where random outbursts from our group resulted in a very awkward stare from some woman's small child. They left immediately, the child was most likely scarred for life, and the mother possibly lost all hope in our generation. Your welcome everyone.

The gym times are now sectioned into two periods, the first exclusively for badminton, the second for basketball. The reason for this is because of elitist fucks. Not because the badminton people were bitching about the basket-ballers jumping all up in their personal space, nor was it because the basketball people were disappoint at nets covering half the goddamn gym. No, it is without a doubt the work of elitist fucks that have lead to this segregation of badminton and basketball.

They simply fear the awesomeness that would result from basketball being played with a shuttlecock and badminton being played with a basketball.

Okay maybe basketball with a shuttlecock would be kind of fail, but badminton with a basketball would be pretty boss. 

All those racket replacements would also be good for the economy. It just may save the goddamn world.

But it will never happen. Why? Elitist fucks thats why.

-tis Tommy

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Avoid creating new post, by posting old work

A friend wanted to see my old satire assignment, obviously I farm views by forcing him to come here to get it.

To everyone else, the next 5 images will make no sense, so I'm going to tell you right now to read it anyway.

Confused yet?
How bout now?
How about NOW?
Oh, you're not reading anymore, nvm.
There was a bunch more random shit at the bottom, but it was just more of me being a pretentious ass, so I deleted it for you benefit. You now owe me a $5 service fee.  
-tis Tommy

Sunday 8 May 2011

'Crastination Take #3

It's Sunday, the day where I realize that I have a shit load of homework piled up and haven't started any of it.

Actually, I don't have anything due tomorrow, so the last statement was a total lie.

In fact, I have a lot of things to do in the middle of this week, like a test on Tuesday, and a presentation either Wednesday or Thursday.

Problem with situations like this is, I decide that I'm too awesome to have to start it today, and then I wake up on the day everything is due; as the panic slowly builds I'll start thinking of how much simpler it would have been for me to have just finished everything on Sunday.

I'll proceed to waste even more time thinking of what I could have done instead of remedying the problem, which leads me into having to completely bullshit my way through evaluations, causing my beautiful marks to drop yet again, causing me to die a little more on the inside, causing me to further give up on putting effort into school, causing me to procrastinate even more, causing an endless cycle of my screwing myself up the creek.

The worst part of all of this is that, even though I can rationally foresee all the consequences of my actions now, my psychology seems to be wired in such a way that I still can't force myself to change. It's as if subconsciously, present Tommy has decided to launch a giant turd sandwich at future Tommy.

Why? Because fuck future Tommy that's why. 

Okay I don't actually mean that, I don't hate future me that much.

Time to try and force some productivity out of myself.

-tis Tommy

Saturday 7 May 2011

Really Really Late Post.

I posttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Yes yes yes. Why am I posting? BECAUSE I'M WAITING FOR MY NAIL POLISH TO DRY. O;

For starters I just want to say, TomTom's posts made me lauff. I laughed even harder when I read that he used "right" instead of "write". LOLOLOLOL. Why did I just LOLOLOLOL? I has no ideas. -cough- must be the cough meds and the nail polish fumes.

Nuhhhhs, i messed up a nail and now I'm too lazy to fix it.

Kay, you know what TomTom should do? He should totally start a youtube account. He is HILARIOUS. Not only to look at, but also when he talks. So in conclusion, he is the ultimate funny man. Now go pressure him to make funny youtube videos. (:

Wow. So far this post has just been randomness. It's okay...because I show pictures soon. (:

So what have I been up to lately? Obviously not posting...no, actually I've been busy with a special someone. (: -cough- You know who you are. <3

Random picture I took on the car ride to 'Sauga.

Look at the pretty pretty skyyyy. <3

Kay, so basically everything that you've read up to this point was written last week. Sorry about the late post...why didn't I post it last week? I have no idea....but its okay, it was my birthday so everythings okay. Yes, it was my 18th birthday last thursday. I am now legally responsible and blah blah blah. Screw all that, I'm still an immature lil' kid. (:

Yes yes, and also there will be much much more picture posting from now onnnn. ;D So be prepared for cam whoringgggg. (:

I think I'll close this post off at here and post something else laterrrr. Its nice to be blogging again. (:

P.S. Enjoy this photo of TomTom. ;D


Friday 6 May 2011

Sketching and shooping

I didn't really want to write anything today, so instead I just sketched some random picture and planned to just post that.

The sketch was fail.

Nevertheless, I'm too lazy to come up with an actual post, and I sure as hell am not drawing another picture.

I put it through photoshop so it looks less retarded. Here you go:

It's in the blog's colors!

It's been a long time since I used a pencil for something other than school work.

-tis Tommy

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Remember when I used to sketch? #9

I just realized I forgot to mention that the last sketch was my last one.

Well, here's an old sketch of some other guy's sketch of some dude from some video game.

If any of you know who it is, I'd appreciate you telling me in the comments.

-tis Tommy
Seriously tell me if you know, I'm really curious

Rage Essence #3

Rage essence is back, but before I narrate today's scenario I need to make everyone aware of  The Gamer's Amendment to Murphy's Law.

This amendment is as follows:

Whatever that is inevitably going to go wrong, will go wrong at a time:
  1. When it is to be most inconvenient 
  2. When it is to be most unexpected
  3. When it is to be most disastrous
  4. When it will cause the most lulz at the expense of the victim
  5. When all of, or a combination of the above conditions is met
To see how this law works in action, I shall use myself as an example.

During the era of my life when I played 1v1 in Starcraft 2, very frequently just prior to my complete curbstomping of my opponent, my internet will decide to conveniently (for the other player) commit hara-kiri for shits and giggles, leading to me losing. 

It was so bad, that it got to the point where I would play a game to the point of winning, and then just shutdown my computer myself instead.

A more extreme example not using games is about a month ago, when just as I was loading up BulletStorm, my harddrive decided it had burned all of its life and would implode, not doubt in a misguided attempt to turn into a black hole and murder the hell out of me. Although I came out with my life, I was left computerless for nearly a week.

The withdrawal took quite a heavy toll on my cognitive functions.

For the sake of this article, I will refer to this law and amendment as Murphy's Faggotry.

On with the rage.

Now, Starcraft is a very old game, and like most old games running on today's computers, it often experiences some "issues"

By issues of course, I am referring to Starcraft's brilliant bit of programming that causes it to invert all the colors on the screen half way through a game.

It's pretty damn annoying really, since it basically makes it impossible to continue playing and forces you to take a loss.

A perfectly good example of Murphy's Faggotry.

The thing with Murphy's Faggotry is that gamers have generally gotten used to it, and when it strike we usually shrug it off with sighs of exasperation, or slowly shaking our fist in the air.

Other responses include head desk, face palm, palm desk followed by head desk, head wall etc. Basically any combination the head and a solid object.

Now at this point I know what you are thinking, and yes you are right.

Rage would also be (although rather overkill and inappropriate) response, but if reading Rage Essence has taught you anything, it is that whenever rage is an overkill and inappropriate response, it is also the best response.

I will reintroduce our usual rager. Who has just been victimized by Murphy's Faggotry in the form of the color inversion screen of hilarity.

Although I was right beside him when this occurred, I only experienced two things, one was out of the corner of my eye I saw a small black object fly by (of which I wrongly assumed to just be a key from a keyboard), the other was I heard a low guttural growl which I correctly assumed was a raging rage roar.

I've since realized that the object was actually a part of a computer mouse. You may be familiar with this device, it has two buttons and a middle scroll (whatever it is that Macs have, it is not a computer mouse). The part that we are going to focus on is neither of those, it is rather the shell of the mouse that you rest your hand on.

The part that I assumed was partially welded on to the bottom.

The fact that he instantaneously removed that piece with one hand signals to me that 1) our rager faps a whole damn lot, and 2) he is not afraid of using that hand to destroy.

The destruction may not have been so clear and heavy, but just the thought of the chaos and havoc that one hand can create in future rages is enough to give me nightmares (that and the fapping).

Think about it kids, one single hand ripped off the entire top of the mouse and flung it across the room. Apply to your face, that is more than enough to cause your inner facial anatomy to be revealed to everyone present.

The moral here is, never let ragers touch you with their hands. God only knows what it can do to you. And what sort of weird ass shit is on it.

-tis Tommy

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Random shit

Double posting. BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT.

So I was just reading Cracked, on saw this article on how Viagra can make you see everything blue. Not related to anything relevant, just wanted to point that out.

Ok, so in hindsight, I probably should not have started another post since I just realized I don't have anything to write about.

And seeing as I have a physics test this Friday and some various homework due tomorrow, I totally should not be here, but the urge to procrastinate does very odd things to a persons psychological mindset.

Guess I'll just say some random shit before signing off this post then.

It's May now, which for many grade 12 students means that the final round of acceptance letters are coming out.

For those who have yet to receive their acceptance, you should just give up all hope now and kill yourself.

Disclaimer: The previous sentence was a joke. Do not actually kill yourself. If you really do have to though, don't mention this blog in your suicide note.

In all seriousness University acceptance rates in Canada are high enough that even if you don't get into your first choice, there's plenty of other university's that you could fall back on (you did remember to apply for more than one program/university right?).

Besides, College isn't that bad, it'll certainly get you a paying job faster than university, and costs less. Of course, you get a lower paying job so that kinda sucks.

Anyway, what I'm really getting at it is that I've already got my acceptance, and since I'm going into co-op my future employment worries are much much less, so everything I just said was basically to troll on those not accepted yet by reminding them of the fact that they may very well not get accepted into university (which if you are Asian basically brands you as a total failure. Culture stereotypes are a bitch).

Speaking of cultural stereotypes, I've entered driving school. In fact, my second lesson is tomorrow. Which also means that tomorrow I will be able to do exactly zero amount of work since I have no opportunity to go home.

Of course I could go to the library and be productive, but all the desks are usually taken by the time I get there, and I'm not nearly obese enough to pull people out with my gravitational force, and not exactly creepy enough to just stare people out of desks (although I bet some people think otherwise. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.) I'm forced to just stand between the shelves and read random non-fictions (can't exactly bust out a manga novel in the middle of the library anymore).

Alright. I've managed to right a bunch of random shit, and shove in a picture somewhere into the post. I'm going to write this off as Mission Accomplished and just abruptly stop ranting.

-tis Tommy

I am not sorry about not posting

So I haven't made an actual proper post in while.

In fact, even I realize my past couple of posts have just been a series of random pictures. If you think that was just me being lazy, then you are totally right. Good job on that.

Now I'm not quite sure how this works, but I've been told that the proper follow up to the previous sentence is either some sort of apology or an excuse.

Right off the bat, you should know that I'm not going to apologize. I am not sorry for not having posted anything interesting or significant in the past week. So those of you hoping for an apology, screw you.

Ok, so I had a bit of an outburst there. No fuck off I'm not apologizing for that either. But I will give you an excuse. An excuse for not posting, not the outburst. The outburst you're just going to have to deal with it.

Anyway, contrary to what my previous posts may have led you to believe, I've not been busy playing Starcraft 2, in fact, it is quite the opposite.

I've been playing Portal 2.

Two and a Half Men. Wait no, I mean Portal 2. Yes, that's the one, Portal 2.

Some of you may not know what Portal 2 is, and to you people, I slowly shake head at.

The point is Portal 2 (and Portal 1) are two of my favorite non-violence based games. In fact, the Portal series basically runs along the premise of a physics puzzle solving game. Those four words is usually not seen together when describing one of the best games I know.

Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is, the reason I have not been posting lately is because I've let Portal 2 consume my life. (And laziness, if you guessed laziness before this, then you are also right and you can go ask me for a cookie when you see me).

Well that's my excuse for not posting, and any logical and reasonable person can totally see my rational here for abandoning an attempt to do school work/post on blog/eat/get adequate sleep and all those other useless tasks I have to perform before I can get back to playing Portal 2.

Gotta go now. I'm sure you can guess what I'm going to do.

-tis Tommy

By the way, if you guessed that I was going to play Portal 2, you are WRONG and there will be no cookie for you. 
I'm actually going to play some piano. 
Then do work. 
A lot of work. 
That has been piled up. 
Very high. 
To like...the moon. 
Ok maybe not the moon. 
I'm going to do at least one page today. 
Yes, I'm going to do one page. 
And I'll remind myself of this by reading my blog post.
Foolproof plan.

Remember when I used to sketch? #8

Essentially a null post, I didn't really want to upload this, but with this post, I will be able to push that fail picture of me at the bottom to the next page.

-tis Tommy (silly picture of me: MOVED)