Thursday 31 March 2011

Tis the Weekend.

Super freedom has been acheived; that's right, not just normal freedom. SUPER FREEDOM.
Kay, you just took two sentences...SO I SHALL TAKE TWO AS WELL. Eff, I just used one up...and now another.
You nub, last one was a fragment it does not count, and now you have just derailed my super awesome topic, congrats.
I r no nub. Sadface.
Nice long sentence there; but the more important thing is SUPER FREEDOM, long weekends for the win.
Less is more. (: Pfft, freedom...we has no freedom cuz we have tons of homework dumbdumb.
Silly child, zombie kittens do not have homework, we get our knowledge like all other zombie based species; through copious amounts of brain consumption.
Kay, first of all you're not a zombie kitten, and secondly, do you want me to post another embarassing picture of yours?
Ok, your continuing to denying my species is becoming quite the peeve to me, and I would appreciate you stop posting douchebaggery photos and pretending they are me; as a zombie kitten I am very sensitive to my beautiful looks.
Oh okay, I see you're implying that the guy in the picture is ugly; its okay I fully agree with you, but just so you know, YOU ARE THAT UGLY GUY.
Yeahhh, you keep thinking that, like that day would ever come...pffft, please come up with better dreams, KTHXBAI.
Oh look at that, there is hot kitten there right now, I'm going to go and satisfy my carnal urges now, kthx8; or rather brb.
LOLLLLS, there is no hot kitten, you crazy person....go take your Vicodin silly face.
Kay you know

*copu- wtf, I'm clearly busy with activities here, stop posting pictures of random douchebags
HAHAHHAS, you just called yourself a douchebag...GG.
Ok, I have finished, also how did I call myself a douchebag, clearly that is not me you shooper.
Kay, stop denying thats your face gosh, I promise once I become a doctor I'll give you plastic surgery, kay?
I wish to remain a carbon based lifeform thank you very much, also there's another super kitty, this will take longer. kthx8.
Ha, again with the lies...and you used two sentences this time. >8D Gg.
*appearing offline can't appear offline on BlogSpot...
*the person you are trying to contact appears to be offline, would you like to email instead?
-FacePalm- You r too coolios.
*email has been sent, you will receive your shipment of 10000 viruses shortly
It's okay, your house has just been sold.
*Your total comes to 9000000 Euros; to be paid over 5 years at an interest rate of 78% compounded monthly
Kay, I'll take that payment.
*Loan sharks sent, your attempts to wordplay out of this have failed
You sent loan sharks for yourself...that's sad.
I'll have you know, some of my best debitors are sharks
No more offline messaging? What a surprised....ah, so I see you're also a shark finner.
my posse was lol'ing too hard at your fail, I had to take over while they got stitches in they stomachs
Haha, so you're going to stop pretending to be multiple people now?
I'd continue arguing with you, but my people are in critical condition due to your hilarious fail and I must tend to them. k88.
Yeah, have fun mending your broken heart. Baibai.

"Victory just gravitates towards me, just like how everything gravitates towards chung." (Charlie Sheen wunna-be much, eh?)

The Chung. (TomTom's phone btw. Why does he have pictures of others? Cuz he a creeper.)
(---------____________________________--------)  <- TomTom's retarded face.

-Ninaa + TomTom

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