Thursday 31 March 2011

The actual weekend post

Last post got derailed, due to completely forseeable circumstances (i.e the other being mean to me again)
In all seriousness though, the feeling of freedom I feel right now is enormous.
Having just got through a week of being minorly depressed from school, and passing the hurdle of triple tests today, I look forward to a weekend of complete and utter hermithood. And an extended weekend means I have a three day uber schedule planned:
The basically layout of the plan this weekend will be:
Friday: brush my teeth.
Then wake up. In that order.
After which I will finally be able to get to play some Assasssin's Creed Brotherhood (climbing towers ftw). Add to that schedule some ping pong (in which I will get completely owned having not played for a while) and my weekend will be a complete rest from the stress of school.
Saturday will be a full day of hibernation and lazing about at home.
Only on Sunday will I finally stop procrastinating and get some work done. Working being the physics lab. The physics lab being my suicide note.
- tis Tommy

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