Thursday 31 March 2011

Just another weekend.

Yups, its another weekend.
Any special plans? Nawps. Fun stuff, eh? No, actually I got a super awesome weekend planned jam packed with secret stuff. -cough- homework homework homework...SadFace.

Today, I got a really weird assignment from my Exercise Science teacher. Apparently, I need to record all the food I eat and every action I perform including stuff like washing my face. Crazy, I know right? As if brushing my teeth and showering burns that many calories anyways.

On a different note, I feel that I should change up my make up routine. I usually just use concealer, foundation, powder, brow pencil, mascara, high light, and blush. I've been thinking about switching my foundation, but it's a pretty hard decision. On one hand, I have my Laneige Snow Crystal Foundation which glides on like water, and on the other I have my Missha BB Cream which supposedly does wonders. You see, BB Creams claims to clear up acne (which I do not have) and lighten the skin (Which I do not need since I'm already the lightest shade of foundation), so its benefits are essentially useless to me. Laneige on the other hand...just smells really good. So which one to pick? I have no idea.

On the left is the Laneige foundation and to its right is the Missha foundation. Package wise, I personally prefer the Laneige, but when it comes to application, Missha is so much faster.

So how do these foundations look when applied on the face? Well those will be photos for another time.

P.S. Hope no one minds my random makeup rant. (:

The actual weekend post

Last post got derailed, due to completely forseeable circumstances (i.e the other being mean to me again)
In all seriousness though, the feeling of freedom I feel right now is enormous.
Having just got through a week of being minorly depressed from school, and passing the hurdle of triple tests today, I look forward to a weekend of complete and utter hermithood. And an extended weekend means I have a three day uber schedule planned:
The basically layout of the plan this weekend will be:
Friday: brush my teeth.
Then wake up. In that order.
After which I will finally be able to get to play some Assasssin's Creed Brotherhood (climbing towers ftw). Add to that schedule some ping pong (in which I will get completely owned having not played for a while) and my weekend will be a complete rest from the stress of school.
Saturday will be a full day of hibernation and lazing about at home.
Only on Sunday will I finally stop procrastinating and get some work done. Working being the physics lab. The physics lab being my suicide note.
- tis Tommy

Tis the Weekend.

Super freedom has been acheived; that's right, not just normal freedom. SUPER FREEDOM.
Kay, you just took two sentences...SO I SHALL TAKE TWO AS WELL. Eff, I just used one up...and now another.
You nub, last one was a fragment it does not count, and now you have just derailed my super awesome topic, congrats.
I r no nub. Sadface.
Nice long sentence there; but the more important thing is SUPER FREEDOM, long weekends for the win.
Less is more. (: Pfft, freedom...we has no freedom cuz we have tons of homework dumbdumb.
Silly child, zombie kittens do not have homework, we get our knowledge like all other zombie based species; through copious amounts of brain consumption.
Kay, first of all you're not a zombie kitten, and secondly, do you want me to post another embarassing picture of yours?
Ok, your continuing to denying my species is becoming quite the peeve to me, and I would appreciate you stop posting douchebaggery photos and pretending they are me; as a zombie kitten I am very sensitive to my beautiful looks.
Oh okay, I see you're implying that the guy in the picture is ugly; its okay I fully agree with you, but just so you know, YOU ARE THAT UGLY GUY.
Yeahhh, you keep thinking that, like that day would ever come...pffft, please come up with better dreams, KTHXBAI.
Oh look at that, there is hot kitten there right now, I'm going to go and satisfy my carnal urges now, kthx8; or rather brb.
LOLLLLS, there is no hot kitten, you crazy person....go take your Vicodin silly face.
Kay you know

*copu- wtf, I'm clearly busy with activities here, stop posting pictures of random douchebags
HAHAHHAS, you just called yourself a douchebag...GG.
Ok, I have finished, also how did I call myself a douchebag, clearly that is not me you shooper.
Kay, stop denying thats your face gosh, I promise once I become a doctor I'll give you plastic surgery, kay?
I wish to remain a carbon based lifeform thank you very much, also there's another super kitty, this will take longer. kthx8.
Ha, again with the lies...and you used two sentences this time. >8D Gg.
*appearing offline can't appear offline on BlogSpot...
*the person you are trying to contact appears to be offline, would you like to email instead?
-FacePalm- You r too coolios.
*email has been sent, you will receive your shipment of 10000 viruses shortly
It's okay, your house has just been sold.
*Your total comes to 9000000 Euros; to be paid over 5 years at an interest rate of 78% compounded monthly
Kay, I'll take that payment.
*Loan sharks sent, your attempts to wordplay out of this have failed
You sent loan sharks for yourself...that's sad.
I'll have you know, some of my best debitors are sharks
No more offline messaging? What a surprised....ah, so I see you're also a shark finner.
my posse was lol'ing too hard at your fail, I had to take over while they got stitches in they stomachs
Haha, so you're going to stop pretending to be multiple people now?
I'd continue arguing with you, but my people are in critical condition due to your hilarious fail and I must tend to them. k88.
Yeah, have fun mending your broken heart. Baibai.

"Victory just gravitates towards me, just like how everything gravitates towards chung." (Charlie Sheen wunna-be much, eh?)

The Chung. (TomTom's phone btw. Why does he have pictures of others? Cuz he a creeper.)
(---------____________________________--------)  <- TomTom's retarded face.

-Ninaa + TomTom

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Need I to say more? Photo is pretty self-explanatory.

Firstly, TomTom wishes he's a zombie kitten.
Secondly, HE'S CRAZY.
Thirdly, he's just jellies he doesn't have beautiful luscious hair that smell like sunshine and rainbows.

To the other of this blog, incase you have forgotten, I know many of your secrets and if you wish to keep them a secret, you better bribe me with some fuud. Bwuahhaha.


Lies, all of it lies

Disappointment is high right now, as the other of the blog feels the necessity to proliferate lies and slander of my species.
I do not look like that, that is a picture of some douchebag in a suit, I am not a douchebag in a suit.
I am a zombie kitten, as a zombie kitten I would appreciate if you accurately portrayed the appearance of my species (i.e that of a zombie kitten), but if you cannot do so, the least you can do is not make my species out to look like douchebags in suits.
As a zombie kitten, my species is already portrayed in a bad light, since we are have the unfortunate requirement of kitten brains as a required part of our daily diet.
Honestly, do you have any idea how hard it is to raise support for the harvesting of kitten brains? 
If you answered "no", then you were correct; if not then you were wrong.
My species is the only animal species that even PETA won't endorse.
That's right, PETA, the organization that is essentially anti-human, will not endorse my species, and that makes me sad.
Fortunately for the other of this blog, I am a very forgiving zombie kitten; I am willing to let this transgression pass with a small bribe of no more and no less than $14.67. Should this bribe not be delivered within 76.89 hours then there should be severe consequences relative to my abilities as a zombie kitten.
Make your decision.
-tis Tommy

HeyHiHello (;

I'm the "other" poster of this blog. Nice to meet you all. TomTom here has been nagging me to post since like...YESTERDAY. Gosh. For a guy with a curfew at 10:30 he can sure get annoying. Jay kay. -cough cough-
Anyways, I had some cheesy ass post written yesterday, but uhhh...I forgot to post it because I got caught in this web of confusion, but that's okay! I can just post something new right now!

For all the new readers out there, welcome to Dorkiibles. (: Why are we called Dorkiibles? Obviously because we're Dorky and Adorable. DURRRRRS. No I'm just kidding. Sort of.
What does this blog have to offer you?
Ninaa + TomTom! DURRRS.
No, but really. We're going to be posting some quirky stuff. Oh and lots of pictures too. (: So if you like creeping on people and looking at random pictures....This is the place for you, my friend!

Haha, so here's the first photo on the blog. Shocking I know. It's okay, I had nightmares too when I first saw it. (: Just kidding. That's TomTom by the way. Also, no, he is not wearing a brand name suit.  

Kay, so that was enough terror for one day. I shall post more another day.

- Ninaa
P.S. I hope you're happy now, TomTom.


Hey you!
By which I mean the other of this blog, I need you to post stuff.
I mean, if I just wanted to hear myself talk all day, I've got pills for that (they have yet to make an app for that though). Seriously, my disappointment will only increase the more you do not post.
Speaking of disappointment, I've discovered that AdSense refuses to give me money until I'm 18 or older.
I know what you're all thinking, and yes I agree. This is a clear cut case of racism.
Unfortunately, because I'm under 18, I cannot sue them either.
I understand the justice system being apeshit backwards though, but AdSense, I thought better of you.
Honestly, how can you steal all our data all the time, and proceed to deny the revenue that is rightfully mine?
- tis Tommy, forever alone

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Introducing the awesome

Mark this day on your calendar kids, your favorite blog Dorkibbles is officially online.
That's right, we're so awesome that we already know this is going to be your favorite blog before you even read it.
Yes, we are that good.
Some of you might think I'm being an arrogant bigot that has no idea what I'm talking about right now; to you I say: 
Seriously though, click the ads and I'll give you candy.
- tis Tommy